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Online Full day - Family Constellations workshop - SOLD OUT

We will have a full day of constellations combined with some teaching about this method of working.
You will have the chance to work on an issue from the personal life or work life, either by representing your own constellation or being a representative in another person's constellation (and this always has to do with something related to you). It can be about relationships with the family of origin, couple relationships, somatic issues, relationship with children, it can be a blockage on the professional life or in relation with money.

This workshop will be deeper and longer workshop than the introductory one on March 24, and you’ll get more chances to work your own topic. It will have more practical constellations work.

We invite you into this sacred space to come with all of yourself, all your inner parts and your past.
We invite you to be curious, open to this sacred inner heart space and what it will bring up for you.

About us:

Adina Nica
The Hague

I discovered the power of constellations method in 2012 in my own healing process and since 2015 (8 years) I have been in continuous learning and training. Afterwards, my role as a support for others în their own journey came naturally. I’ve trained and worked with Jutta ten Herkel, Ion Bucur and Jan Jacob Stam, facilitated one-to-one and group constellations, participated in international conferences and I am part of international intervision groups. Besides, I have trained in NLP coaching and Releasing technique.
I have over 25 years experience in organizational and societal consulting, applying psychological models, neuroscience and constellations în developing business strategy.
I am also a wife and mom of 3 teenage kids, my greatest source of inspiration.
Living in Den Haag.

Lavinia Bucur

I’m a psychotherapist from Romania, have been working for 10 years in the field and studying for 20 years. Trained and specialized in Internal Family Systems, Brief Strategic therapy, Brief Solution Oriented therapy, Experiential art therapy, AUM meditation, Releasing.
I’ve been also working in the corporate world for 10 years, in IT and research.
Working as a psychologist in NL, mainly online with international people, expats and people overseas.
Got in touch with constellations in 2004 and have been actively participating in weekend workshops monthly since then (almost 20 years). I’ve been in continuous training since 2010 (13 years). I’ve trained with Jutta ten Herkel, who was working very close to Bert Hellinger for 20 years.
Participated in workshops of Dorina Mocanu, Bert Hellinger, Stephan Hausner, Jutta ten Herkel.
Living in Amsterdam for 5 years.

About Family constellations method:
A constellation has nothing to do with astrology, but a lot to do with psychotherapy, healing and movements of the soul. It is a visual representation of what is in the unconscious mind and we will use the space and time to work on certain aspects of our life.

“Nothing grows on its own” Buddha. We are all very linked with our ancestors.

Because we are part of a larger context, we are born in a certain family, in a certain society, with certain ethnicity, maybe some type of religion/spirituality, in a specific socio-economical context, we are influenced by that context. There are certain values and rules for belonging to the groups we belong to and they shape us and our lives. This is what it means to take into account the systemic perspective when we think about ourselves.
Working in this way brings us clarity and peace, we get to make sense of things that are happening in our lives and take our appropriate place in our system, where love and life can flow with ease.
Constellations typically have an “issue holder” and we work individually with them, in a group setting. We will then pick together some people from the group to be representatives for relevant parts of their issue that connect with their story.
We are able to reveal sometimes more hidden parts of our mind and soul, more of our unconscious and see how we have hidden connections and links with our family system.

The price for this workshop is 80 EUR, and if you bring a family member, you are a student or you have participated in our previous events the price is 65 EUR.

This workshop is in English, we will have international people in the group and this is the common language for everybody.

For registration, please sign up via the registration form here
You will need a confirmation of your registration to join.

You will receive the payment details after completing the registration form.

May 16

Online family constellations workshop - Families in transition - Lavinia Bucur & Adina Nica